Botanical Illustrations

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353 Botanical illustrations found
Milfoils - Spicked milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) Whorled Milfoil (verticillatum) Alternate-flowered Milfoil) BT0128
Milfoils - Spicked milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) Whorled Milfoil (verticillatum) Alternate-flowered Milfoil) BT0128
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Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) BT0255
Monkshood (Aconitum napellus) BT0255
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Moss (Cinclidotus) BT0256
Moss (Cinclidotus) BT0256
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Moss (Drepanocladus) BT0257
Moss (Drepanocladus) BT0257
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Moss (Fontinaus antipyretica) BT0258
Moss (Fontinaus antipyretica) BT0258
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Moss (Leptodictyon) BT0259
Moss (Leptodictyon) BT0259
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Moss (Sphagnum auriculatum) BT0260
Moss (Sphagnum auriculatum) BT0260
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Moss (Sphagnum) BT0261
Moss (Sphagnum) BT0261
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Mouse-eared chickweed (Cerastium fontanum) BT0262
Mouse-eared chickweed (Cerastium fontanum) BT0262
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Neptune Grass (Posidonia oceanica) BT0335
Neptune Grass (Posidonia oceanica) BT0335
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Oak bark & twig(Quercus robur)  BT046
Oak bark & twig(Quercus robur) BT046
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Oak leaf (Quercus robur) BT049
Oak leaf (Quercus robur) BT049
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